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Your baby succeeding in graduating and then wanting to travel and spread her wings, only to have her life taken by some monster like this. This should have been The Notorious BIG Wonder why Christmas missed us sweater time of her life, not someone preying on her and taking her life. Such a sad ending, really hoped she would be found alive. I can’t find the right words to express how.

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I feel about this tragic news. I really wanted Grace to be found alive and well. I cannot begin to imagine how utterly devastated her friends and family must be. This kind of crime rarely happens in New Zealand. The Notorious BIG Wonder why Christmas missed us sweater people of New Zealand must be so broken hearted that such a heinous crime has happened there. Rest in peace beautiful Grace.

See more: The Notorious BIG Wonder why Christmas missed us sweater
I hope your soul fly high and The Notorious BIG Wonder why Christmas missed us sweater person who did this rots in hell!!! What on earth possesses people to do this! Since when do people think it’s ok to go around taking people’s lives as if it was just accepted that this is what happens now all around the world... what a horrible horrible place we are

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