BUY NOW: Freddie Mercury in the form of Schroeder playing piano shirt

I've been worried about how closely Rami Malek would be able to emulate Freddie and whether or not he would pay the proper respect to his legacy, but now I'm convinced. This is going to be absolutely amazing. November 2 can't come soon enough for me. I've never been more excited to see a film and I was two-hard! Seen Queen in concert twice with Adam Lambert as the lead. Amazing vocal but it's not Freddie. Rami looks so good! I can't wait to see this portrayal! I know that some people were disappointed that Sasha wasn't apart of this, but from the Freddie Mercury in the form of Schroeder playing piano shirt looks of things, this movie going to be a smash and I'm excited! I some Queen and I think Sami this role of portraying Freddie!
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